English conversation and grammar
We'll have in-person lessons on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 12:30. Read the notes below to find out the new topic for each week and as a reminder of what you've learned in the lessons.
10 April - this week I'd like you to watch this TED talk before the lesson. The speaker is Adam Grant who shares his ideas on original thinking.
3 April - We’ll talk about going on a round the world trip. Can you read this article before the lesson.
27 March 2024 - Can you read this article about an apology Mark Zuckerberg recently made at the senate hearings. A video is included in the article which you should watch. If you have time, click on some of the links in the article and read around the subject.
20 March 2024 - Let's talk about learning English by watching television. In this article we learn which TV program helped football manager, Jürgen Klopp, learn English.
13 March 2024 Are you a super-communicator? Read this article to find some tips about improving your communication skills. Make some predictions about what you expect the tips to be, then read the article.
6 March 2024 - I'd like you to read this article featuring Manchester poet, John Cooper Clarke talking about technology. There is lots of advanced vocabulary, some interesting ideas and a spot of humour.
28 February 2024 - I'd like you to read this article from The Guardian about how to greet strangers. Some of the vocabulary is quite tricky but I think you should be able to understand the main ideas.
Do you want to read about some grammar topics? Check out the blog.
This is an in-person class in Kreis 6 Zurich. There are just two more spaces in the class. If you want to become more confident in English, ask me for a trial lesson.