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If only all operas were like this!

A slight variation on the cycling and hiking theme, this time a spot of culture at the fabulous open-air performance of Carmen in Langenthal with a cast comprising a handful of professional singers and a group of enthusiastic amateurs from the local area.

Some operas push boundaries and deal with difficult topics in a way that can leave the audience wanting less. But not this one! Bizet certainly knew how to write a tune and from the outset it was one hit after another.

Flares, patterned shirts, flowery dresses and cowboy boots place the action in 1960s America rather than nineteenth century Spain with Carmen’s love interest being one of the astronauts who landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong, I presume or possibly Buzz Aldrin, albeit the actor driving onto stage in his military jeep reminded me more of Bruce Willis or Fidel Castro.

Various minor accidents befell the performance; kids falling over, earrings dropping onto the stage and the door in the moon swinging back open after Neil Armstrong had made his exit. All of these mishaps simply added to the immense charm of the production.

Congratulations to all who were involved in bringing this production to Langenthal. If only all operas were so enjoyable!

Language tip

Did you notice which form of verb follows the final ‘if only’ sentence?

We use the expression ‘if only’ as a way of expressing a wish. The hypothetical nature of wishes is shown in English through the use of past tenses, even when we are speaking about the present or the future.

Do you wish you knew more about English? If so, contact us for a trial lesson.


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